Bikini Kill Concerts Setlist

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Chansons populaires dans les setlists

Top 10 des chansons les plus jouées par Bikini Kill lors des 40 derniers concerts.

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Les chansons qui vont être jouées live ont été publiées sur les albums suivants:

Prochaine Setlist

Ecoutez la Playlist du prochain Concert (mis à jour après chaque date de tournée):

Quelle est la durée du concert ?

Selon la playlist moyenne, Bikini Kill sera sur scène près de 1:18.
Voici la setlist probable d'après les précédents concerts (94% de probabilité):

Titre Chanson
  1. The Punk Singer (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover New Radio
  2. Revolution Girl Style Now cover This Is Not a Test
  3. The First Two Records cover Don't Need You
  4. The First Two Records cover Jigsaw Youth
  5. Kill Rock Stars cover Feels Blind
  6. The Singles cover I Hate Danger
  7. The Singles cover In Accordance to Natural Law
  8. The First Two Records cover Double Dare Ya
  9. The Punk Singer (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover Carnival
  10. The Singles cover I Like Fucking
  11. Reject All American cover For Only
  12. Pussy Whipped cover Hamster Baby
  13. no cover Demi Rep
  14. The Punk Singer (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover Reject All American
  15. Pussy Whipped cover Alien She
  16. Reject All American cover No Backrub
  17. Pussy Whipped cover Sugar
  18. Pussy Whipped cover Tell Me So
  19. The Punk Singer (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover Distinct Complicity
  20. Reject All American cover Capri Pants
  21. Pussy Whipped cover Lil' Red
  22. The First Two Records cover Suck My Left One
  23. Rappel #1

  24. The Punk Singer (original Motion Picture Soundtrack) cover Rebel Girl

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