Funeral For A Friend Concerts Setlist

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Chansons populaires dans les setlists

Top 10 des chansons les plus jouées par Funeral For A Friend lors des 40 derniers concerts.

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Les chansons qui vont être jouées live ont été publiées sur les albums suivants:

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Quelle est la durée du concert ?

Selon la playlist moyenne, Funeral For A Friend sera sur scène près de 1:28.
Voici la setlist probable d'après les précédents concerts (99% de probabilité):

Titre Chanson
  1. Hours cover All the Rage
  2. Roses For The Dead (7 This Year's Most Open Heartbreak
  3. Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation cover Juneau
  4. Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation cover Rookie of the Year
  5. Hours cover Recovery
  6. Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation cover Bullet Theory
  7. Hours cover Streetcar
  8. Hours cover Monsters
  9. Hours cover The End of Nothing
  10. Casually Dressed & Deep In Conversation cover Red Is the New Black
  11. Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation cover She Drove Me to Daytime Television
  12. Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation cover Escape Artists Never Die
  13. Rappel #1

  14. Tales Don't Tell Themselves cover Into Oblivion (Reunion)
  15. Hours cover Roses for the Dead
  16. Hours cover History

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