High Highs Concerts Setlist

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Mais... voici le top 10 des chansons de High Highs qui seront probablement jouées live!

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  1. We Are Infinite
  2. Venice (Adam Snow Bootleg)
  3. I Want to Feel Alive
The Lighthouse and the Whaler Photo

The Lighthouse and the Whaler

  1. Shiloh - James River Version
  2. Knoxville
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Night Beds

  1. Fall Underneath
  2. Fall Underneath - Kilter Remix
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  1. Bloom - Bonus Track
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The Paper Kites

  1. I Wanna Go
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Summer Heart

  1. Drifting
  2. Ghosts
  3. Drifting - RAC Mix
ON AN ON Photo


  1. To The Lighthouse
  2. Lately
  3. The Kids Were Wrong
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