Monty Python Concerts Setlist

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Chansons populaires dans les setlists

Top 10 des chansons les plus jouées par Monty Python lors des 40 derniers concerts.

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Les chansons qui vont être jouées live ont été publiées sur les albums suivants:

Prochaine Setlist

Ecoutez la Playlist du prochain Concert (mis à jour après chaque date de tournée):

Quelle est la durée du concert ?

Selon la playlist moyenne, Monty Python sera sur scène près de 2:09.
Voici la setlist probable d'après les précédents concerts (54% de probabilité):

Titre Chanson
  1. no cover Overture
  2. Live At Drury Lane cover Llamas
  3. The Final Rip Off cover Four Yorkshiremen
  4. Monty Python Sings cover Penis Song (Not the Noel Coward Song)
  5. Monty Python Sings (again) cover Naval Medley
  6. no cover The Last Supper
  7. Monty Python Sings cover Every Sperm Is Sacred
  8. no cover Mr. and Mrs. Blackitt
  9. Monty Python Sings cover Bruces' Philosophers Song
  10. Monty Python Sings cover Lumberjack Song
  11. Monty Python's Total Rubbish! The Complete Collection cover Crunchy Frog
  12. no cover The Man Who Speaks in Anagrams
  13. Monty Python Sings cover I Like Chinese
  14. Rappel #1

  15. no cover Spam Lake
  16. Monty Python Sings cover Sit on My Face
  17. no cover Death of Mary Queen of Scots
  18. no cover Penguin on the TV
  19. Live At Drury Lane cover Gumby Flower Arranging
  20. Monty Python's Total Rubbish! The Complete Collection cover Camp Judges
  21. Monty Python's Total Rubbish! The Complete Collection cover Albatross
  22. Monty Python's Total Rubbish! The Complete Collection cover Nudge Nudge
  23. Monty Python Sings (again) cover Blackmail
  24. no cover Anne Elk
  25. The Final Rip Off cover Spanish Inquisition
  26. The Meaning Of Life cover The Galaxy Song
  27. no cover The Argument Sketch
  28. Monty Python Sings cover I've Got Two Legs
  29. Monty Python's Total Rubbish! The Complete Collection cover Dead Parrot
  30. Rappel #2

  31. Monty Python Sings cover Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

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