Sebadoh Concerts Setlist

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Chansons populaires dans les setlists

Top 10 des chansons les plus jouées par Sebadoh lors des 40 derniers concerts.

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Les chansons qui vont être jouées live ont été publiées sur les albums suivants:

Prochaine Setlist

Quelle est la durée du concert ?

Selon la playlist moyenne, Sebadoh sera sur scène près de 1:38.
Voici la setlist probable d'après les précédents concerts (63% de probabilité):

Titre Chanson
  1. Harmacy cover Beauty of the Ride
  2. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover Not a Friend
  3. Bubble & Scrape cover Soul and Fire
  4. Act Surprised cover Celebrate the Void
  5. Act Surprised cover Fool
  6. Act Surprised cover Phantom
  7. Act Surprised cover Raging River
  8. Act Surprised cover Stunned
  9. Act Surprised cover Follow the Breath
  10. Act Surprised cover Act Surprised
  11. Act Surprised cover Medicate
  12. Act Surprised cover See-Saw
  13. Act Surprised cover Sunshine
  14. Secret Ep cover My Drugs
  15. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover Got It
  16. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover Careful
  17. Rappel #1

  18. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover Magnet's Coil
  19. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover License to Confuse
  20. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover Rebound
  21. Harmacy cover Ocean
  22. Bakesale: Deluxe Edition cover Skull
  23. Smash Your Head On The Punk Rock cover Brand New Love

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