The Lawrence Arms Concerts Setlist

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Chansons populaires dans les setlists

Top 10 des chansons les plus jouées par The Lawrence Arms lors des 40 derniers concerts.

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Les chansons qui vont être jouées live ont été publiées sur les albums suivants:

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Quelle est la durée du concert ?

Selon la playlist moyenne, The Lawrence Arms sera sur scène près de 1:03.
Voici la setlist probable d'après les précédents concerts (77% de probabilité):

Titre Chanson
  1. Buttsweat and Tears cover The Slowest Drink at the Saddest Bar on the Snowiest Day in the Greatest City
  2. We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of cover On With the Show
  3. We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of cover Great Lakes/Great Escapes
  4. We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of cover Alert the Audience!
  5. Metropole cover You Are Here
  6. Oh! Calcutta! cover Recovering the Opposable Thumb
  7. Oh! Calcutta! cover Lose Your Illusion 1
  8. Oh! Calcutta! cover The Devil's Takin' Names
  9. We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of cover Chapter 13: The Hero Appears
  10. Metropole cover Seventeener (17th and 37th)
  11. Metropole cover Beautiful Things
  12. We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of cover Like A Record Player
  13. Rappel #1

  14. We Are The Champions Of The World: The Best Of cover 100 Resolutions
  15. Oh! Calcutta! cover Are You There Margaret? It's Me, God.

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