The Libertines Concerts Setlist

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Chansons populaires dans les setlists

Top 10 des chansons les plus jouées par The Libertines lors des 40 derniers concerts.

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Les chansons qui vont être jouées live ont été publiées sur les albums suivants:

Prochaine Setlist

Ecoutez la Playlist du prochain Concert (mis à jour après chaque date de tournée):

Quelle est la durée du concert ?

Selon la playlist moyenne, The Libertines sera sur scène près de 1:55.
Voici la setlist probable d'après les précédents concerts (94% de probabilité):

Titre Chanson
  1. Time For Heroes - The Best Of The Libertines cover The Delaney
  2. The Libertines cover What Became of the Likely Lads
  3. Up The Bracket cover Up the Bracket
  4. Up The Bracket cover Boys in the Band
  5. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover Night of the Hunter
  6. The Libertines cover What Katie Did
  7. Up The Bracket cover The Good Old Days
  8. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover Shiver
  9. Up The Bracket cover Vertigo
  10. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover Merry Old England
  11. Up The Bracket cover Death on the Stairs
  12. The Libertines cover Music When the Lights Go Out
  13. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover I Have a Friend
  14. Live At O2 Academy Glasgow, 2015 cover Horrorshow
  15. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover Run Run Run
  16. The Libertines cover Can't Stand Me Now
  17. Rappel #1

  18. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover Man With the Melody
  19. Time For Heroes - The Best Of The Libertines cover What a Waster
  20. Anthems For Doomed Youth cover Gunga Din
  21. The Libertines cover Last Post on the Bugle
  22. All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade cover Songs They Never Play on the Radio
  23. Up The Bracket cover Time for Heroes
  24. Don't Look Back Into The Sun cover Don't Look Back Into the Sun

The Libertines Carte de Tournée 2025

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9 concerts à venir, dans les pays suivants: Australie, France, Mexique, Royaume-Uni, etc.

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