The Warning Concerts Setlist

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Mais... voici le top 10 des chansons de The Warning qui seront probablement jouées live!

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  1. Summertime Sadness (Acoustic Cover) feat. Keelan Donovan
  2. See You Again, Love Me Like You Do, Sugar - Acoustic Mashup
  3. Take Me To Church (Acoustic Cover) feat. Matt Wright
Megan Davies Photo

Megan Davies

  1. Neural Waves
  2. Astral Voyage
  3. Synthetic Serenity
Spectro Photo


  1. Weirdling
  2. Selfish Acts
  3. Factory Sealed
Shearing Pinx Photo

Shearing Pinx

  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


  1. Del Mundo Leguas Y Leguas
  2. Bulerías: La Maja Aristocrática (with Niño Ricardo)
  3. Fandangos: Tu Cara en la Mía Se Vio / Yo Le Tengo Compasíon / Que Te Tenía Junto a Mi (with Pepe Pinto & Melchor de Marchena)
La Niña de los Peines Photo

La Niña de los Peines

  1. The Wind Loves The Rain
  2. Slow Sad Blues
  3. That Look In Your Eyes
Rattlesnake Choir Photo

Rattlesnake Choir

  1. I Am A Soldier
  2. City Lights (feat. Eric of The New Royals)
  3. Team America Fuck Yeah Anthem
Lamont Photo


  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


  1. Del Mundo Leguas Y Leguas
  2. Bulerías: La Maja Aristocrática (with Niño Ricardo)
  3. Fandangos: Tu Cara en la Mía Se Vio / Yo Le Tengo Compasíon / Que Te Tenía Junto a Mi (with Pepe Pinto & Melchor de Marchena)
La Niña de los Peines Photo

La Niña de los Peines

  1. Me and the Devil
  2. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
  3. Lady Day and John Coltrane
Heron Photo


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